Meet Ttool
“For any hands on practitioner, Ttool is a MUST HAVE!”
Oscar Terrazas Jr., DC
Treat all day, without sacrificing your hands
Ttool supports and protects your hands - one of your irreplaceable assets as a provider.
Its ergonomic design takes the stress off your hands, fingers, thumbs, and wrists from treating all day, so you can help your patients without sacrificing yourself in the process.
Ttool was designed to help you with the following technique.
Scraping Style IASTM
You can perform scraping style IASTM in multiple ergonomic ways with Ttool.
Use The Rim, The Narrow Bevel, of The Wide Bevel for this style of treatment.
Each of these surfaces has a slightly different feel, so you can find what is most comfortable for you and for your patient.
Pin and Stretch
Performing pin and stretch can be taxing on your wrists, thumbs and fingers.
With Ttool's Rounded Corner and Dome treatment surfaces, you can generate tension and force without less load on your own joints.
Ischemic Compression
Thumbs are great for ischemic compression, but it’s easier on your body to use Ttool’s Rounded Corner.
Wherever you'd press your thumb to perform ischemic compression, you can instead use the Rounded Corner of Ttool, effectively giving you a thumb of steel.
Work Over Clothing
For those times when you want to perform soft tissue work without having to go directly on the skin, you can use Ttool over any soft clothing, or place a towel over your patient's clothing.
This gives you a quick and convenient way to perform tissue work without having to apply lotions, clean the skin, etc.
Get to know Ttool's Anatomy
Click the 3D model below to activate.
The Dome
The Dome, as the name implies, is the dome shaped surface.
You can use the rectangular side of Ttool as a handle when treating with The Dome.
This surface is great for broad compression, similar to how you may use an elbow or a closed fist.

The Rim
The Rim is the other treatment surface on the puck-shaped side of Ttool.
When holding Ttool by the rectangular side, you can perform scraping style IASTM with The Rim.
Think of it like a 360 degree beveled edge that you can use almost anywhere on the body.

The Rounded Corner
The Rounded Corner is a non-beveled surface on the rectangular side of Ttool.
It is the ultimate thumb saver.
Instead of jamming your thumb into soft tissues to perform ischemic compression, you can use The Rounded Corner of Ttool.

The Narrow Bevel
Use the puck-shaped side of Ttool as a handle when performing scraping style IASTM with The Narrow Bevel.
The ability to grip the opposing side of Ttool as a handle allows you to treat all day with less hand fatigue.

The Wide Bevel
Easily work over clothing with the different treatment surfaces of Ttool to work efficiently and respect patient modesty when needed.

Get the right tool for the job
The smartest investment is getting what you need to perform your best.
Why Over 2,000 Bodyworkers Use Ttool

"It is extremely comfortable in my hand"
Nick Helton, DPT

"I find it's the tool I grab for the most"
Meghan Faulkner, MS, DC, DACBSP
If you do any soft-tissue work at all you have to get the T Tool! It's easy to use and very effective even through clothing. Fantastic on hips! Save your hands!

Jim Neilson, DC, LMT
Balance Chiropractic
As a Doc using my hands, I worry about the health of my hands in the future. The T Tool helps to save my hands, yet makes the soft tissue treatment more effective.

Torrey Schroeder, DC
Schroeder Chiropractic Center
No need for the big kits with multiple tools. No need worrying about getting the right edge or bevel. This tool has it all and is great for all manual therapists.

Ian Keyser, DC
Stamford Chiropractic & Rehab Center

All-In-One IASTM Tool Designed to Save Your Hands
Ttool is an ergonomic and versatile soft tissue treatment tool designed by bodyworkers for bodyworkers.
It helps take stress off your hands, fingers, thumbs, and wrists while performing a variety of soft tissue treatment techniques.