Taught by
Kevin Mefford - CMT, CPT, CES, NKT
Video series intro
Join Kevin Mefford, a licensed massage therapist and corrective exercise specialist, as he demonstrates a series of muscle release and activation techniques using Ttool and an exercise band to help address overuse and underuse issues common in bodyworkers.
Pronator Teres - Release
In this video, Kevin demonstrates how to release the overworked pronator teres muscle using Ttool, explaining its anatomy and step-by-step techniques to identify and address problematic spots.
Adductor Pollicis - Release
Here Kevin demonstrates how to work the commonly overused adductor pollicis muscle, explaining the muscle’s anatomy and techniques to reduce tension and improve blood flow.
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris - Release
Kevin walks through the release of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle using, explaining the anatomy and offering step-by-step guidance on working through tender spots along the ulnar side of the wrist.
Dorsal Interossei - Activation
Kevin introduces activation exercises for underused muscles, starting with the dorsal interossei, using a light TheraBand. He demonstrates how to perform finger abduction to strengthen these intrinsic hand muscles, emphasizing the importance of balancing overworked muscles in manual therapists.
Extensor Digitorum - Activation
Kevin demonstrates how to strengthen the extensor digitorum muscles using a TheraBand, guiding you through wrist and finger extension exercises to counterbalance the overworked flexor compartment in manual therapists.
Opponens Digiti Minimi - Activation
Kevin explains how to strengthen the opponens digiti minimi muscle, key for grip and pinky opposition, using an isometric exercise. He demonstrates how to activate this muscle to balance thumb dominance in grip strength and improve manual therapy work.
Extensor Pollicis Brevis - Activation
Kevin concludes this series by demonstrating how to strengthen the extensor pollicis brevis using a TheraBand. This exercise focuses on improving thumb extension, a rarely trained motion, to balance thumb overuse in manual therapy work and extend career longevity.

About Kevin
Kevin is a Sports Rehab Therapist with over a decade of experience, specializing in helping people overcome chronic pain and injuries. Starting as a Certified Personal Trainer through NASM, he later trained at Fair Oaks Massage Institute and became an instructor.
Kevin’s approach goes beyond traditional massage, focusing on the root causes of pain and injury. Clients remain fully clothed while he applies targeted techniques to aid in recovery.
Where to find Kevin:
- Website: sportstherapyplus.net
- Instagram @_sports_therapy_plus_

Get a Ttool
Ttool is an all-in-one IASTM tool designed to save your hands, so you can treat your patients without hurting yourself in the process.