Ttool Fundamentals

Taught by Ryan DeBell, MS, DC
Founder of Ttool
Learn the fundamentals of Ttool in this video series. Dr. DeBell explains the structure of Ttool, the handholds, and how to use it for a variety different styles of tissue work.
Ttool is unlike any other IASTM tool you may have seen. It's 3 dimensional design allows you to hold it and use it in a variety of unique ways.
The video series below are designed to help you learn more about it, and how to take full advantage of its capabilities.
Taught by Ryan DeBell, MS, DC
Founder of Ttool
Learn the fundamentals of Ttool in this video series. Dr. DeBell explains the structure of Ttool, the handholds, and how to use it for a variety different styles of tissue work.
Taught by Meghan Faulkner, DC, MS
Founder of Apex Sports Medicine
Dr. Faulkner teaches must-know techniques for using Ttool over clothing. Working over clothing allows her to quickly transition between soft tissue treatment and exercise.
Taught by Kevin Mefford - CMT, CPT, CES, NKT
In this series, Kevin Mefford demonstrates his go-to self-care routine for maintaining healthy hands, wrists, and forearms. As a bodyworker, these areas endure heavy use, making self-care crucial for long-term well-being.